Fish assemblage composition within the floodplain habitat mosaic of a tropical lake (Tonle Sap, Cambodia)

This paper evaluated whether mesohabitat‐scale (1–5 km) factors throughout the Tonle Sap Lake floodplain structured the fish assemblage temporally and spatially and concluded that fish assemblage structure and floodplain mesohabitat use may depend strongly upon the maintenance of the natural flow regime.

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Pool, T., V. Elliott, G. Holtgrieve, M. Arias, I. Altman, L. Kaufman, K. McCann, E.D.G. Fraser, L. Tudesque, M. Chevalier, G. Grenouillet, R. Chea, S. Lek, B. McMeans, M. Cooperman, C. Phen, L. Hannah, B. Miller, C. Guo, and S. Nam

Publication Date

27 August 2019

Publication Name

Freshwater Biology


climate change, conservation, fishes, floodplains, food web, Cambodia, Tonle Sap