What Is the Future of the Lower Mekong Basin Struggling against Human Activities? A Review

This review attempts to: (i) present the Mekong regional characteristics (geography, topological settings, climatic conditions, hydrology, demographic features and the anthropogenic activities), (ii) present the different factors that endanger the LMR, including the dam’s impacts, the climate change, the delta subsidence, and the degradation of the water quality, (iii) make comparison with different big rivers around the world and (iv) promote future decisions in order to minimize the negative impacts and seek for a trajectory that assures well-being and sustainability.

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Le Meur, M., V.L. Phu, and N. Gratiot

Publication Date

5 January 2021

Publication Name

River Deltas - Recent Advances [Working Title]


Mekong River, Mekong delta, dams, climate-change, delta sinking