Indonesia needs to focus development on fisheries

16 October, 2013

With two-third of its area as water, Indonesia should focus on developing its fishery sector to become the world’s seventh biggest economy by 2030.

The development model in Indonesia, the world’s largest island country, is still terrestrially oriented although it is actually the fishery sector that can catapult the country into one of the world’s largest economies, Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo said.

“So far, the orientation of development in Indonesia has remained focused on land,” Indonesian news agency ANTARA quoted Sutardjo as saying.

The McKinsey Global Institute, in a report entitled “The Archipelago Economy: Unleashing Indonesia’s Potential”, said that the fishery sector was a main sector which could help boost Indonesia to become an advanced economy by 2030.

“By that year, Indonesia’s economy will emerge as the seventh biggest in the world, outpacing even those of Germany and Britain,” Minister Sutardjo said.

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