Remote sensing observation to help sustainable development along Mekong

Xinhua Net –

China will coordinate with countries from Asia and Oceania to conduct satellite remote sensing observation along the Mekong River, according to the website of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The first international conference of the Asia-Oceania Global Earth Observation System of Systems (AOGEOSS) Initiative concluded on May 18 in Deqing in east China’s Zhejiang Province. The Deqing Action Plan was passed during the conference to carry out remote sensing observation in regions along the river.

Member countries and international organizations of the AOGEOSS will accelerate the building of the Asia-Oceania comprehensive Earth observation system to promote the sustainable development and prosperity within the region, according to the Deqing Action Plan.

Remote sensing observation along the Mekong River will push forward research in ecosystem assessment and disaster monitoring.

The Mekong River basin faces problems such as complicated geographical conditions, volatile weather, frequent natural disasters, and unbalanced development, said Gu Xingfa, researcher at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of CAS.

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